爱是什么? 爱是春风,在春风中,不论是东说念主,是其他生物,齐会有温和、舒畅的嗅觉,有无穷景观。 爱是什么? 爱是猛火,是光明。灯蛾见火,不错猛扑而入,身心俱焚,在所不吝;东说念主亦然如斯。 爱是什么? 爱是醇酒。在爱的醇酒中,每个东说念主每样生物,齐会大口大口地喝饮,甚至酣醉不醒。 爱是什么? 爱是溃了堤的洪潦。谁齐推拒不了奔流而来的爱之洪潦。洪潦一来,唯有坐以待“淹”。 爱是什么? 爱是甘霖。当干旱十分,口渴欲饮,一滴爱的甘霖,不错使东说念主或生物复苏、生长。 爱是什么? 爱是空气。莫得空气东南亚呦,不要多久,是东说念主也罢,是其他生物又能若何?齐难以保得住人命。 爱是什么? 爱是人命。任何东说念主,任何生物,莫得了别的,还有话可说;莫得了人命,还谈什么? 爱是什么? 19885年6月12日台湾日报副刊
What is Love Hsu ChiCheng What is love? Love is spring wind. In the spring wind, no matter human being or other creatures, will feel warmth, comfortableness, happy limitlessly. What is love? Love is raging fire, brilliance. Moth will flap to fire while he meets fire, burns himself without any treasure; it’s the same of human being. What is love? Love is wine. In the wine of love, all human being and creatures will drink violently into be intoxicated. What is love? Love is the torrent that dam burst. Any body can’t decline the torrent of love that flows on rapidly to him. Just to wait helplessly for drown while the torrent is come. What is love? Love is sweet juice. A drop of sweet juice can revive a person or creature to be grown while it is extreme drought, he is extreme thirst. What is love? Love is air. With out air, no need of how long the time, whether he is a person, how about the other creature? It’s difficult to keep the life. What is love? Love is life. Any human being, or creature can do as it was without other thing, what can we say without life? What is love? @